Heather Fester is a poet, essayist, and author of a forthcoming chapbook Ghosts of Things Unsaid. She teaches creative writing, rhetoric, and composition courses at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Before she returned to school to earn her MFA as the Allen Ginsberg Fellow at Naropa University and began teaching at UCCS, Heather directed the Center for Writing and Scholarship at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her interests include creative nonfiction, documentary poetics, and alternative discourses.
Heather Fester

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Events, Interviews, and Media Coverage
- 9 May 2023 “Time Out of Time” live event and recording
An Evening of Poetry, Memoir, and Sci-Fi, this was a Cosmos / Metapsychosis / Untimely Books event. Visiting from Quebec, Canada (on their way to the Nebula Awards), Geoffreyjen Edwards read selections from their novels Plenum: The First Book of Deo and Messioph: The First Book of Ido—the first two installments of their fifteen-volume Ido Chronicles series, set thousands of years in humanity’s future. Colorado-based authors Heather Fester and Marco V Morelli read new work from their forthcoming releases, Discarded Maps (memoir) and I AM THE SINGULARITY (poetry).